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2016-10-28 高島生活館安心購物宣言

安心購物.  購物安心. 產品責任險 ♦︎ 20年信譽..高島支持您的美麗

◼︎高島生活館-全美日系品牌正式代理直營門市- Direct Store. 為保護顧客權益, 公司所有之全產品保有1200萬美金之umbrella 責任保險 及日本進口 Product Liability insurrance., issured by 總公司  jcosme international inc . 

For your Safety :

Product liability coverage provides protection against bodily injury and property damage losses arising out of some defect in the product you sold, manufactured or distributed. Product liability insurance may also provide coverage for claims arising from damages due to providing inadequate instruction for use of the product or a failure to warn on your product label.

近期美國境內市面上屢屢傳出眾多來源、真偽不明的產品於市面上流通等令消費者不安的消息, 市面網路及水貨極高大部份可能為海外引進【 即期品-過期品 】風險.....expired products. 網路減價銷售等等- 請注意所有之保養及美容產品日本廠商都設有保存期限:1-3年, 眾多水貨一般都有流出到美國風險.

Parallel imports (sometimes referred to as gray market goods) refer to branded goods that are imported into a market and sold there without the consent of the owner of the trademark in that market. products cause by individual sold can be dangeous 


市面銷售之違禁品:日本眼藥水 /  隱形眼鏡  / 日本美白藥丸 / 日本眾多藥品-  全品都以嚴重觸犯美國聯邦FDA 衛生署禁藥刑事法, 

因高島生活館總公司-Jcosme international inc. 為多樣品牌為日本正式品牌授權代理商..進口商.. 全品都以正式授權合法清關 U.S.Custom entry .  全品層層把關..... 以保障消費權益.. 安心可靠使用, 我們也歡迎您親自來高島門市體驗, 全品將提供試用與協助任何疑問即可隨時來電 :

服務專線 :Tel: 909-598-7388。週一到週五。9:00 am - 5:30 pm 

20年經營理念..TAKASHIMA 高島生活館在此保證,於高島生活館販售之商品皆為合法來源,符合美國規定,產品英文標. 合法販售,並且皆為日本原廠生產製造的【正品授權】進口。我們一直以來持續創造令消費者信賴的購物環境,往後也將維持不變的品質,讓每一位在高島生活館購物的消費者繼續享受安心與安全的產品。

For more merchant information please contact : services.takashima@gmail.com

◼︎For Your Safety & Health:

購買 CANMAKE x Jcosme in'l inc / 高島生活館為全美唯一日本井田 ida group 正式授權販售門市. 近期美國市面已流出 Canmake 仿冒品在網路及市面上販售. 

請注意:消費時請認明英文產品標示法規 Prpduct Labeling (Required English ingredient & importer full information)及美國代理商:Jcosme in'l inc. 為 Canmake 正品及 Canmake 在美國已設有商標註冊,.代理商及CANMAKE 法律授權正式聲明 未授權使用任何品牌 Canmake logo 及 model 版權及商標公司法律途徑解決爭端.  

“International Exhaustion” is the principle that, once goods in relation to which the trademark is used have been put on the market by a trademark owner or with its consent somewhere in the world, the trademark owner has exhausted its trademark rights in relation to the sale of those goods anywhere in the world.

To customers buying CANMAKE in U.S.A. We strongly recommend purchasing CANMAKE through “authorized dealers for your safety use.Current authorized ONLY at Takashima Retailer in U.S.A. "A vicious copy product appears.  We cannot guarantee the quality of the product which we purchased from anyone other than an official agency at all." , unauthorized using CANMAKE LOGO , United States law allows the holders of federally registered trademarks to sue others who use those marks without permission related to any sales or damages.

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