搬 遷 公 告 Moving Notice
本店將於10月15日起暫停營業, 並於遷往 ARCADIA MALL 感謝顧客長期支持, 高島生活館將提供更寬敞舒適的購物空間。 我們期待於鄰近店舖繼續為您服務。 如有查詢,請致電 909-598-7388 聯絡顧客服務。不便之處,敬請原諒。 Dear valued customers, we would like to inform you that our store will be closed starting on October 15th. We are excited to announce that we will be moving to a new location at the Arcadia Mall. This move expresses our gratitude for your long-term support and provides you with a more spacious and comfortable shopping experience at the Takashima store. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to serving you at our nearby stores. For any inquiries, please feel free to contact our customer service at 909-598-7388. Thank you for your understanding and support. Since 1997, 高島生活館至今 26年深耕北美市場, 引領數百萬不同年齡的 北美眾多華裔族群,提供日系時尚美妝, 精品百貨 展開充滿新奇與感動的北美生活旅程, For 26 years, Takashima has been actively present in the North American market. served millions of people of various ages and ethnic backgrounds, including many Chinese communities. Their offerings include Japanese fashion, cosmetics, and boutique department stores, providing a unique and touching experience for those embarking on a journey of life in North America. 2023 年起 高島生活館門市全面升級軟體及管理, 更加專注落實顧客服務升級. 自詡定位為高品味、 高品質的日系品牌通路,並秉持正直、誠懇、值得信賴的經營態度, 提供顧客親切、體貼、安全的服務, Starting from 2023, the TAKASHIMA has undergone a comprehensive upgrade of both its software and management systems. TAKASHIMA is now placing a greater emphasis on improving its customer service, positioning itself as a purveyor of high-quality Japanese brands, and offering a warm, considerate, and fun experience to all visitors. Its core values remain integrity, sincerity, and a commitment to trustworthy business practices. 以及優質多元的商品, 成為消費者光臨 TAKASHIMA 高島生活館後難忘的購物經驗. 至今高島生活館以定位 “日系美妝指標”引領日系時尚,誘發消費者對生活的想像, 然後與消費者一起分享精采有趣的消費生活。 As well as high-quality and diversified goods, it has become an unforgettable shopping experience for consumers after their visit to TAKASHIMA Takashima 高島生活館 So far, Takashima l has been positioned "Japanese beauty retail " leads Japanese fashion and induces consumers' imagination of life. Then share the brilliant and interesting consumer life with consumers. |
![]() 北美最齊全 日系多項獨家彩妝品牌 即將上市 UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL 高島生活館管理及設計團隊透過創新的購物體驗, 啟發並優化顧客的生活創意設計令高島生活館成為 北美顧客生活的一部份,透過迎合顧客日常需要及提升他們的生活質素。 所有類型的商品均可在此獨一無二的堅持定位專業日系專賣門市。 |
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全新面貌進駐 ⌈THE SHOP ⌋ Arcadia Mall
400 S Baldwin Ave Suite D6, Arcadia, CA 91007
We are located 1st floor in front of ZERA store
請鎖定高島生活館 詳情即將公佈
Coming soon 2023 敬請期待 !!
⌈THE SHOP ⌋ Arcadia Mall
400 S Baldwin Ave Suite D6, Arcadia, CA 91007
We are located 1st floor in front of ZERA store
t's Fun in-store experiences and strategic team of big thinkers and creatives for everyone!!
That's Takashima. It's all about Fashion.
Since 1997, At Takashima, we’ve been obsessed with teaching and inspiring our clients to
play in our Asian & Japanese beauty.
We’ve earned our reputation as a leader in a market with our expertise, and innovation.
T: 909-598-7388
or Email: info@jcosmeusa.com