日本 MAPEPE 擦髮巾」可說是日常必備的便利小物,只要準備一條吸水力夠強的擦髮巾便能大幅縮減吹頭髮的時間,對於長頭髮或髮量較多的人堪稱不可或缺
日本 MAPEPE 擦髮巾」可說是日常必備的便利小物,只要準備一條吸水力夠強的擦髮巾便能大幅縮減吹頭髮的時間,對於長頭髮或髮量較多的人堪稱不可或缺
Wrap your hair in a towel and gently press it from above to drain it.
● How to care ●
-Can be washed in a household washing machine. ・ The liquid temperature should be 30 ° C or less, and wash with a weak hand or a washing machine with a weak stream of water. ・ Use a neutral detergent, and do not use a detergent containing fluorescent whitening agent or bleach. ・ Do not use fabric softener as it may reduce the water absorption effect. ・ It is recommended to put it in the laundry net and wash it. ・ Avoid washing with different colors or soaking. ・ After washing, shape it in a well-ventilated place, dry it in the shade, and dry it thoroughly. ・ Do not use a dryer or iron.
・ Do not use for any purpose other than the intended use of this product. ・ Please wash once before use. ・ Fluff may appear when washing at the beginning of use. ・ Should you experience irritation, itchiness, pain or discomfort on your skin during use, discontinue use immediately and consult our contact information or a dermatologist. ・ If exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the color may fade. ・ Keep away from fire. Since it is a heat-sensitive material, it may melt or discolor when it comes in contact with hot objects. ・ Keep out of reach of children.
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